Breaking Down the LEED v4 Energy Updates
By Ali Karim-Lee
The current versions of LEED are set to be updated to address the urgency of climate change. The proposed changes to LEED v4 energy requirements are in the process of receiving 2nd public comment. When the update language is finalized, a ballot with member votes will lead to new requirements going into effect.
The LEED v4 energy updates are intended to increase energy efficiency and include aspects beyond energy efficiency:
Raising the threshold for minimum energy performance → Stringency to achieve better performance
New metric of greenhouse gas emissions reductions → Broader evaluation of buildings concerning climate change
Energy efficiency can be measured using source energy → promoting electrification
The changes to EA Prerequisite Minimum Energy Performance for “LEED v4 for Building Design and Construction (BD+C): New Construction, Warehouse and Distribution Centers, Hospitality, Retail, and Schools” rating systems are as follows:
→ New EA prerequisite - Minimum Energy Performance: 10% improvement beyond ASHRAE 90.1-2010
→ Metrics of cost, source energy and GHG emissions can be used to demonstrate minimum performance improvement
→ Contribution of on-site renewable energy can be used to meet the prerequisite compliance
The changes to EA Credit Optimize Energy Performance for “LEED v4 for Building Design and Construction (BD+C): New Construction, Warehouse and Distribution Centers, Hospitality, Retail, and Schools” rating systems are as follows:
→ Available points are distributed evenly between energy efficiency metrics (cost or source energy) and greenhouse gas emissions metric. Total points will be the sum of each metric point. (With only demonstrating the energy efficiency improvement, half of the points is achievable)
More information and resources can be found by visiting USGBC’s v4 site.